Berlin and his Title Ribbon to finish his Senior Hunter Title.
Berlin doing a double water entry mark at just over a year old. The other dog is Diamond
Berlin playing with 5 week old Diamond - he was her "Big Nephew" starting when she was 2 weeks old. They are still best buddies.
3 year old Berlin gaiting - no lead
Berlin joined us shortly after our return from a year in Germany - hence his name.
We are so happy that Jeannie Swanson decided to travel to Canada in the winter and breed Jeter's sister Addie and produce a wonderful litter of puppies. Addie is a strong hunting dog who is active in competitive obedience and field events - having earned her CD, RA JH and CCA. Berlin's sire is Canadian GMH OTCH Morningstar Bold Explorer WCX - a very talented handsome guy who lives in Canada. We have loved the program at Morningstar and have the pleasure of knowing several of the dogs on Max's pedigree including his sire - Baron, his grandmother Breeze and also grandfather Ranger. Berlin's pedigree combines strong working lines with show dogs that have titles behind their names.
Berlin is currently in training for competitive obedience and field events. We have had him out pheasant hunting a few times and he is a hard worker. He is wonderfully patient in the duck blind. Around the house he is very easy and has appropriate energy. And we love how well he plays with young dogs.
September 2024 Berlin earns a JAM in the GRCA National Specialty Qual. He also earned a perfect score in Rally Novice, placements in the breed ring, and a Master Hunter Pass - awesome first GRCA National for this boy.
October 2022 - Berlin earns the last 2 Master passes to finish his Master Hunter title. He is just 3 1/2 years old and completely amateur trained and handled.
August 2022 - Berlin earns Master Pass number 3. He ran a great test and was very easy to work with - love going to the line with him.
August 2021 - Berlin earns back to back Master Hunter passes. Berlin earned his Senior Hunter title at 25 months of age. He is a very talented, biddable guy and he is very honest in the water. Look for Berlin to take a break from hunt tests to go real hunting.
Berlin's OFA results are Excellent on Hips and Normal on Elbows. His eyes and heart are clear. DNA test results have been added to his K9data listing. He is a very handsome dog with good pigment, correct moderate coat, good bone, full dentition, moderate angulation, good tailset and great feet. He is 65 pounds when in top condition and measures 23 inches at the shoulder.